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Camellia Set

Each fan comes with 3 different lengths to give clients a more natural effect versus volumes.

Allow 2 hours

$135 - $145


Camellia lashes are created using a fan that has 3 staggered lengths. This creates the illusion of a 3-tiered design within the lash set. The fans are wide and due to this have a larger coverage.

We recommend Camellia lashes for those who may have more sparse lashes or have gaps in their lashes due to damage or previous injury. They are a popular set due to the way they ‘open’ the eye and create an even effect across the eye.

A thorough consultation is completed which usually displays a different range of images to help decide on density, length and style. Our artists will then decide on the best diameter that suits your natural lashes to maintain and preserve the health of them over the course of having extensions. We make sure that every application is done correctly to ensure the longevity of your lashes and your comfort.

The "I want them long, but not too long, full but not too full, but I still want them to look noticeable" Set

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